An online diary hiding in plain sight

Author Ever Ephemeral

MS reading Group: EBV and MS

Next month our MS reading group is going to be looking at the latest papers on the causes of MS. This is exciting research from a scientific perspective, and potentially offering up hope of a cure (but it’ll be a… Continue Reading →

Reading the MS research

Last year I suggested the idea of a reading group for people with MS to get their heads round the scientific literature. The aim being to try to understand what is happening to us and to help us ask more… Continue Reading →

Just how bad are my symptoms?

This is a question I’m wrestling with on a daily basis. My symptoms affect my mood and anxiety levels, and understanding how bad they are has practical implications. If they’re getting worse, then it could be a sign of a… Continue Reading →

I feel let down and angry…

…but don’t worry, not with you* As I mentioned in a previous post about my MS, it’s a really variable disease. It affects everyone differently and it’s very difficult to tell how it’s going to progress. It’s also variable on… Continue Reading →

Taking some sort of control

I’m sure I’m not alone in finding that being diagnosed with MS leads to feelings of a loss of control. It’s such a variable disease, affecting some people very mildly and attacking others swiftly and brutally. In the early stages… Continue Reading →

What sort of support do I want?

This is a long post in which I muse on something I read a while ago and how it’s helping me deal with my MS diagnosis, via a few stories about how not knowing about it stopped me helping my… Continue Reading →

COVID and me

Last February was knocked out by full on flu-like symptoms and a loss of taste. I was in bed for a week or so and slow to come back to work. The list of symptoms connected to COVID at the… Continue Reading →

Mutant language

The Tory government’s bungling of A-level and GCSE exam results this year has had a devastating impact on young people this year. It has destroyed young peoples’ confidence, ruined chances for many to get the university places they want, and… Continue Reading →

Run #144

Date: 29 April 2018; Route: Up behind prison and back down again; Weather: overcast, bitterly cold wind; Conditions: Dry; Tweet of the run: Misjudged temperature, had to bottle out; Photos: Over prison towards Firle ridge  

Run #143

Date: 22 April 2018; Route: The usual, up behind the prison, across the top of Neville and down Landport Bottom. 2.54 miles in 26:39; Weather: Bright, chilly but warming up by end; Conditions: Slight dew but dry; Notes: Matt caught… Continue Reading →

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