An online diary hiding in plain sight

Category Running

This blog started as a way for me to have an online diary documenting my runs, to give me some way of seeing progress and motivating myself. Here they all are.

Run #90

Date: 19 April 2016; Route: Up Landport Bottom, along the top past Jill’s Pond and back round towards the prison. 3.0 miles, 27:33; Weather: bright blue sky, chill settling in as sun set; Conditions: dry; Tweet of the run: bright setting… Continue Reading →

Run #89

Date: 17 April 2016; Route: Up Landport Bottom, across to Jill’s Pond and back home via the prison; 2.8 miles, 28:56; Weather: bright and warming-up; Conditions: dry; Tweet of the run: nice to be out on top of the Downs again,… Continue Reading →

Run #88

Date: 13 April 2016; Route: Up Landport Bottom and back down again, with walking after 0.5 mile because running with child #2. Limited data about run as phone ran out of charge; Weather: bright evening sun, blue sky; Conditions: dry;… Continue Reading →

Run #87

Date: 6 March 2016; Route: Up Landport Bottom, to Jill’s Pond and back through the Neville. 2.5 miles, 25:44; Weather: very cold, but clear; Conditions: soggy; Tweet of the run: First run after pulling muscle, cold hands, hard work, but made… Continue Reading →

Run #88

Date: 13 March 2016; Route: Up past the prison, behind the gallops and back down Landport Bottom; Weather: Bright, clear and cold wind; Conditions: soggy in places; Tweet of the run: Big bright skies and long shadows; Photos: Into the… Continue Reading →

Run #86

Date: 31 January 2015; Route: Up Landport to the stile and back again; Weather: Atrocious and getting worse the higher up I ran, rain, wind, mist and cold; Conditions: Very slippery; Tweet of the run: What awful weather to be running… Continue Reading →

Run #85

Date: 24 January 2015; Route: Up Landport to stile , down (with child #1) and back up again by self. 3.4 mile, 40:02; Weather: Overcast but quite warm; Conditions: damp; Tweet of the run: First half the first day of couch… Continue Reading →

Run #84

    Date: 22 January 2015; Route: Up Landport, above Neville, to Prison and home. 3 miles, 30:46; Weather: Bright sun, chilly; Conditions: Hard frost, soggy and slippery all at the same time; Tweet of the run: Glorious run under the… Continue Reading →

Run #83

Date: 17 Jan 2016; Route: Up Landport, over style, through wood and back down Landport; Weather: Overcast and cold; Conditions: Snow! and very muddy; Tweet of the run: Snowy, slippery trudge to the top and back; Photos: Kingston Ridge in… Continue Reading →

Run #82

Date: 10 January 2016; Route: Up Gundreda Road to top of Neville and back home, 1.8 miles, 18:37; Weather: Driving rain and cold wind; Conditions: On the road all the way, wet; Tweet of the run: First run all on… Continue Reading →

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